Sleeping and relaxing
Importance of sleep
Adequate sleep duration and sleep quality are significant for children's cognitive development, language development, health and emotional well-being. A midday nap increases the chances that the child will continue to explore his or her world in the afternoon, focused and ready to learn. Children's total sleep needs are made up of hours of nighttime sleep and daytime sleep.
Sleep and supervision
In the Uni-Kitas it is important to us that the children can rest and sleep sufficiently according to their own personal needs. Therefore, each group has a separate sleeping room with a pleasant, quiet atmosphere. There, each child has its own place to sleep with its own blanket (or sleeping bag) and pillow. Parents can also bring an object familiar to the child, e.g. a cuddly toy or a scarf. Younger children initially sleep in a little basket made of wickerwork, which provides a sense of security due to its boundaries. Later, the children switch to mattresses to support independent falling asleep and getting up.We accompany the children into the sleeping room and tuck them in on their beds. Some children still need some closeness, e.g. a hand to hold, in order to fall asleep quietly. If children are awake, we check to see if the child needs some more help to fall asleep or if he or she already wants to get up. Older children can get up and leave the room on their own.
The rhythm of the bedtimes is adapted to the daily routine of the respective children's group. In the half-day group of the Wichtelgarten, there are individual relaxation phases instead of fixed bedtimes until pick-up at noon, since the older children often no longer need a morning nap. In all other groups, where the children are cared for into the afternoon, the midday nap after lunch occupies a central place in the daily structure.
Adjustment of sleep by arrangement
Sometimes it can make sense to change the nap time, for example if children have problems falling asleep or sleeping through the night at home. In such cases, an individual approach is necessary for each child, which we coordinate with the parents. As a general rule, children should be able to sleep enough during the day so that they are content and interested in their surroundings when awake.