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Family-friendly Working Conditions from A to Z







  •  Academic Fixed-Term Contract Act (WissZeitVG)

    The regulations of the Academic Fixed-Term Contract Act (Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz, WissZeitVG) are not always easy to understand, especially when it comes to maternity leave and parental leave regulations. If you have any questions about your contract, please do not hesitate to contact the responsible administrative assistant in the Human Resources department.
    The WissZeitVG is available on the website of the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection (in German only).
    You can also find a paragraph on the Academic Fixed-Term Contract Act in the section on parental leave on page 10 of the Staff Council Newsletter of May 2015.




  • Baby Changing Tables

    Click here for an overview of all breastfeeding facilities and baby changing tables at the university.


  • Benefits for Families

    With the help of this Infotool you are able to determine in a few steps if you or your family are likely eligible for a number of German benefits that are geared towards families.


  • Business Trip with a Baby
    According to the Act on Travel Expenses of the Land of Baden-Württemberg (LRKG), the employer does not cover costs for an accompanying person. Therefore, business trips generally have to be undertaken alone. However, the university makes exceptions in the case of breastfeeding mothers: In this case, the institute may, within the scope of the approved business trip, cover the costs for an accompanying person and indicate this person as a fellow traveler at the travel expenses office.
    For further information, please contact the travel expenses office in the Human Resources department.


  • Birth of a Child

    If the wife or registered life partner (within the meaning of the Act on Registered Life Partnerships (LPartG)) of an employee, gives birth, the other parent is entitled to a paid leave of absence of 1 working day. This regulation applies for employees working under the collective agreement. Civil servants may be subject to different regulations. The parents are not required to share a household. The leave of absence has to be taken within a certain time frame, but not necessarily on the day of birth.
    Please contact the Human Resources department in case of any questions.


  • Breastfeeding Facilities

    Click here for an overview of all breastfeeding facilities and baby changing tables at the university.




  • Changes of Personal Circumstances
    All changes of family circumstances which affect your employment or remuneration (e. g. marriage, birth of a child etc.) as well as change of name, address or bank account have to be reported to the Human Resources department as soon as possible. Click here for further information and the required forms


  • Check List Pregnancy / Maternity Leave / Parental Leave
    The check list on pregnancy, maternity leave and parental leave offers specific guidelines and instructions on the administrative steps parents-to-be need to take care of.


  • Childcare
    Information on the university’s child care services can be found here.


  • Child Benefit
    Child benefit is a payment made by the state to parents or legal guardians residing in Germany. The amount depends on the number and age of children. Child benefit is granted from the child’s birth until the age of 18. Under certain circumstances (vocational training, program of study, disability, search for a training position or an employment of the child), child benefit may be extended until the child reaches the age of 25. If the child is completing military or civilian service during this time, the aforementioned age limit is extended according to the period of service. The amount of child benefit does not depend on the income of the parents or the child (with exceptions).
    Click here for detailed information on child benefit and the required forms.




  • Dual Career
    The Dual Career Service (DCS) of the University of Freiburg supports spouses of new employees in top positions of science, administration and technology when facing the challenges of moving and professional orientation. The DCS only takes action when instructed to do so by the rectorate. 






  • FamilienCard of the City of Freiburg

    The FamilienCard is offered by the city and available to all families living in Freiburg. It includes discounts for municipal institutions, cultural offers and private services and costs EUR 30 per year. Families entitled to housing benefit, unemployment benefit or social welfare receive the FamilienCard free of charge. University members can buy the FamilienCard at the secretary’s desk of the Family Services Office from Mondays to Fridays between 9 a.m. and noon.
    Further information on the advantages of the card can be found on the website of the FamilienCard (in German only).








  • Illness of a Child (Statutory Family Health Insurance)

    Request for child sick pay:
    Parents insured with a statutory health insurance provider are each entitled to child sick pay for 10 working days per year for each child if the child is under the age of 12 and is covered by the statutory family health insurance. Single parents are entitled to 20 working days of child sick pay per year for each child, provided the aforementioned conditions are met.
    In total, parents may each request up to 25 working days per year, single parents up to 50 working days.
    In order to request child sick pay, please fill in and submit the medical certificate given to you by your child’s doctor.
    Please make sure to fill in the form on the back to the medical certificate. Submit the original to your insurance provider and a copy to the Human Resources department.
    Request for unpaid leave of absence:
    If you are not entitled to child sick pay, it is possible to request unpaid leave of absence of up to 4 working days per year for each child (request form). The request has to be approved by the head of your department/institute.
    Further information can be found on the Intranet (Service A-Z) under the keyword "Arbeitsbefreiung".
  • Illness of a Child (Private Health Insurance)

    Request for paid leave of absence:
    Parents of children under the age of 12 who are insured with a private health insurance provider are not entitled to child sick pay. University employees caring for a sick child may submit an informal request for paid leave of absence of up to 4 working days per year for each child. The request has to be approved by the head of your department/institute. Please send the medical certificate from your child’s doctor, along with a note stating that your child is insured with a private health insurance provider, to the Human Resources department.
    Further information can be found on the Intranet (Service A-Z) under the keyword "Arbeitsbefreiung".


  • Illness of a Relative

    If a person, with whom you are related by blood or by marriage (life partners, who are not registered as such, are not included) and who lives in the same household as you, falls ill, you are entitled to 1 working day of unpaid leave of absence per year.
    Further information can be found on the Intranet (Service A-Z) under the keyword "Arbeitsbefreiung".
















  • Parents’ Rooms

    The university has several parents’ rooms for parents accompanied by their children. Click here for further information.


  • Parental Allowance and ElterngeldPlus

    Parental allowance financially supports parents after the birth of a child and gives parents the freedom to care for and bring up the new family member. The request for parental allowance has to be sent to the L-Bank Baden-Württemberg, the institution responsible for paying out parental allowance.
    Visit the website of the L-Bank (in German only) in order to find further information on parental allowance and the new ElterngeldPlus, such as eligibility requirements, application forms and a parental allowance calculator (in German only).
    We also recommend the website (in German only) of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ) as well as in the family guide (in German only) provided by the BMFSFJ. Both include a comprehensive overview and lots of helpful information on the subject of parental allowance and ElterngeldPlus.


  • Part-Time Employment (Reduction of Working Time)

    Employees may submit a request for part-time work in order to care for children under the age of 18 or care-dependent relatives. Employees who have been employed for more than 6 months may request a reduction of their contractually agreed working time for other reasons.
    Further information can be found on the Intranet (Service A-Z under the keyword "Teilzeitbeschäftigung") as well as on the websites of the Staff Council.


  • Pregnancy / Maternity Leave / Parental Leave

    Expecting mothers should inform their head of department/institute of their pregnancy as soon as possible. The department/institute will then inform the Human Resources Department of the employee’s pregnancy and the expected date of delivery. Expecting mothers are asked to report their pregnancy as early as possible in order for the university to be able to calculate the period of maternity leave and, if necessary, take measures to protect the mother and/or the unborn child from health risks posed by the tasks carried out or the work environment.
    The period of maternity leave starts 6 weeks before and ends 8 weeks after the delivery. If the child is born before the expected date of delivery, maternity leave is automatically extended by the period not used before the birth. Therefore, the two periods of maternity leave (before and after the birth) amount to at least 14 weeks. In case of premature or multiple births, longer periods of maternity leave apply.
    Parents are entitled to parental leave (usually following the period of maternity leave; up until the child reaches the age of 3). Employees may work part-time during parental leave upon approval by the employer. Requests to work part-time during parental leave may only be denied for urgent official reasons.
    Further information on pregnancy, maternity leave, parental leave as well as on related topics, such as prohibition of employment, leave of absence for pregnancy-related examinations, prohibition of termination, special termination protection during pregnancy and maternity leave as well as on maternity benefit can be found on the service websites “Service A to Z” of the central university administration under - "Mutterschutz - Elternzeit / Elterngeld" (Access with Uni-Account). The service websites also include a number of helpful links on these topics.






  • Returning to Work After a Family-Related Leave of Absence

    It is always advisable to carefully plan your return to work after a family-related leave of absence, such as parental leave or caregiver leave. Consult your supervisor early on in order to discuss your wishes regarding your return to work. Maybe you would like to request part-time work and/or telework or change your working times in order to care for your child.
    Employees of the administration and the technical service can consult the Staff Equal Opportunity Representative on this matter.
    Supervisors are advised to use the guide on maternity leave, parental leave and caregiver leave (german website), which includes information on how to plan ahead for the period of maternity leave and parental leave and, furthermore, facilitates the planning of parental leave of fathers. This guide also provides answers on important care-related questions. Furthermore, you can find a check list with all important deadlines in the middle of the booklet.
    Regarding family friendliness, employees of the non-professorial academic staff can turn to the central Equal Opportunity Representative of the university, who may also act as a mediator if necessary.




  • Special Leave (Unpaid)

    Unpaid special leave may be granted for important reasons as far as it is compatible with the working conditions.
    The care of children and care-dependent relatives is generally considered to be an important reason. Unpaid special leave for this reason is possible for up to 12 years.
    A written request stating the reason for the requested leave of absence shall be submitted to the head of the department/institute and passed on to the Human Resources Department. The head of the department/institute shall indicate on the request whether it was approved.
    Further information can be found on the service websites “Service A to Z” of the central university administration under "Beurlaubung", where you can also find an information sheet on the legal consequences of taking a leave of absence for family-related reasons.




  • Telework and Home Office

    Employees may perform up to 50% of their regular working time at home if approved by the superior and as far as it is compatible with the required tasks.
    Further information on telework and home office possibilities can be found on the service website "Service A to Z" of the central university administration under "Dienstvereinbarung und Beantragung von Tele- und Heimarbeit". There you will find information and forms to download.
    If you have any further questions, please contact the responsible administrative assistant of the Human Resources department.


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